Course overview

    1. Course information

    2. Module 1 overview

    3. Introduction to The Good Food Institute

    4. The case for rethinking meat

    5. Alternative proteins: Quiz 1

    6. Making meat in a better way

    7. Alternative proteins: Quiz 2

    8. Plant-based, fermentation, and cultivated meat

    9. Alternative proteins: Quiz 3

    10. Looking ahead

    11. [Article] Meat by the molecule

    1. Module 2 overview

    2. Nutritional properties of meat

    3. What is meat?: Quiz 1

    4. Protein content and amino acids

    5. Digestibility of proteins

    6. Fat and nutrition

    7. What is meat?: Quiz 2

    8. Organoleptic properties: Texture

    9. Organoleptic properties: Color

    10. Organoleptic properties: Flavor

    11. What is meat?: Quiz 3

    12. [Article] Proteins from land plants

    1. Module 3 overview

    2. An introduction to plant-based meat

    3. Plant-based meat: Quiz 1

    4. Crop development for plant-based meat

    5. Plant-based meat: Quiz 2

    6. Ingredient optimization for plant-based meat

    7. Plant-based meat: Quiz 3

    8. End product formulation and manufacturing

    9. Plant-based meat: Quiz 4

    10. Looking ahead

    1. Module 4 overview

    2. An introduction to fermentation-derived alternative proteins

    3. Fermentation: Quiz 1

    4. Traditional, biomass, and precision fermentation

    5. Fermentation: Quiz 2

    6. The commercial landscape

    7. Investments

    8. Fermentation: Quiz 3

    9. Opportunity areas for technological innovation

    10. Government & regulatory

    11. Fermentation: Quiz 4

    1. Module 5 overview

    2. What is cultivated meat and how is it made?

    3. Cultivated meat: Quiz 1

    4. Technology area: Cell lines

    5. Technology area: Cell culture media

    6. Technology area: Bioprocess design

    7. Technology area: Scaffolds

    8. Cultivated meat: Quiz 2

    9. The environmental impacts of cultivated meat

    10. The costs of cultivated meat production

    11. Cultivated meat: Quiz 3

    12. Regulation and food safety of cultivated meat

    13. The cultivated meat industry moving forward

    14. Cultivated meat: Quiz 4

    15. Final assessment

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  • 59 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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